The #PreventGBV project partners have produced a first complete version of the project’s Training and awareness-raising materials to prevent gender-based cyberviolence for young people’, in English, Spanish, Italian, Finnish, Romanian and Portuguese. These materials contain numerous activities which are being piloted in workshops with young people in conflict with the law in the different participanting countries during the summer.
Partners have collected the opinions and comments of the young people and professionals who have carried out this pilot experience, and now will refine the materials and further adapt them to each national context. They will be soon available on the website of the #PreventGBV project en los idiomas mencionados anteriormente. in the languages aforementioned. ![]()
The materials have been created by the partners based on a participatory methodology and in close collaboration with 5 national working groups. These working groups involve professionals linked with youth work, social work, juvenile justice, community involvement, and young people. They have been providing feedback to advance knowledge about the topic and the needs of the target group, in order to improve the quality and usability of the materials.
The materials are structured in five modules:
The target groups are professionals with different profiles that work with young people in conflict with the law, who could use the materials as a support tool for the implementation of workshops on gender-based cyberviolence prevention and awareness-raising. National dissemination events
Partners are currently in the process of organising national dissemination events in each participating country, in order to discuss the topics of the project with professionals, experts and young people, and to present the results of the project to a wide audience of stakeholders.
In Spain, for example, Fundación Diagrama held a seminar on “Early prevention of gender-based cyberviolence among young people” on Friday 22nd September at the European Parliament Office in Madrid. At the conference, different aspects of gender-based violence within the digital realm were addressed in the event, which included the participation of young people, professionals and experts in cyberviolence, gender-based violence, education and juvenile justice.
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