Results of the ‘Child-Friendly JT’ project
The ‘Child-Friendly JT’ project is coming to an end. In this newsletter, we will summarise the results, products and latest news from this European project, which seeks to promote the rights of children suspected or accused of a crime. The project is co-funded by the Justice Programme of the European Union.
Information leaflets
In the framework of this project, information leaflets have been published on the rights of children suspected or accused in criminal proceedings.
Specifically, the leaflets inform children of their rights with respect to three phases of criminal proceedings: arrest, trial and pre-trial detention. For each phase there is a specific leaflet targeted at children, in addition to a corresponding version aimed at their parents or legal guardians. These leaflets are available in a total of 27 languages.

The aim of this tool is to allow children who find themselves involved in one of these phases of criminal proceedings to learn about their rights. The leaflets have been written in an accessible language, which can help children exercise more effectively their right to participate in criminal proceedings in which they are involved.
On 12 December 2019, all the partner organisations of the ‘Child-Friendly JT’ project, as well as experts and professionals in the field of juvenile justice, came together in Valencia for the Final Conference of the project, which presented the project’s results and final products
Additionally, a general overview of child-friendly justice was set out from a European perspective, which took into account the varied experience and contributions of different countries with topics ranging from the Council of Europe’s guidelines on child-friendly justice, to the challenges that different European juvenile justice systems face, as well as analysis of procedural guarantees, European directives and personalised care in juvenile justice systems, all from the approach of the upholding of the child’s best interests and the protection of children’s rights.
The day before the conference, the 4th steering meeting of the ‘Child-Friendly JT’ partners took place in Valencia. Partners shared the results obtained during the pilot study that was carried out to evaluate the effectiveness of the leaflets in each country, and which have been used to produce a report that will shortly be published. Another topic addressed was the project’s dissemination campaign, which is primarily focused on making the information leaflets known to the project’s target groups and other relevant stakeholders.