Materials to prevent gender-based cyber violence
The #PreventGBV project, has recently published materials to help young people in conflict with the law learn how to identify different kinds of gender-based cyber violence, so they can contribute to preventing and advocating against it. The materials are designed to be used by professionals who can carry out workshops with young people on these issues. They are available in English, Spanish, Italian, Finnish, Romanian and Portuguese on the project’s website. ![]()
These ‘Training and awareness-raising materials to prevent gender-based cyber violence for young people’ have been tested in workshops that the partners conducted with young people in conflict with the law and at risk of social exclusion in Spain, Portugal, Finland, Romania and Italy. Most young people participating expressed that they improved their knowledge on various aspects of gender-based cyberviolence.
The materials include many activities to engage participants and facilitate the practical acquisition of new concepts and perspectives. We encourage professionals working with young people to use them to run their own workshops. Final Conference
The Final Conference of the #PreventGBV project took place on 3rd November 2023 in Brussels. It gathered multiple professionals and experts who presented and discussed different topics on the prevention of gender-based cyberviolence among young people. The event also served to disseminate the results of the project and raise awareness on this issue to multiple stakeholders. This also included a session on the experiences of young people who participated in the project.
Overall, the conference had a very positive reception from its attendants and succeeded in its many aims, including disseminating its results and strengthening a network across the EU of stakeholders driven to tackling this issue.
National dissemination events
During the past few months, the project's partner organisations have carried out national #PreventGBV dissemination events in each participating country. In Finland, for example Valo-Valmennusyhdistys held an event attended by many professionals in youth work, education, substance abuse and crime prevention alongside the young people who participated in the project.
The event included presentations from experts and a panel discussion on the experience of the youth workers and young people who tested the #PreventGBV materials in workshops. Additionally, participants had the chance to try out some of the activities and exercises of these workshops, encouraging them to use them in their practice.
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