![]() The RE[ENTER] project
The RE[ENTER] project focuses on enhancing the capacities of professionals and volunteers who work with children and adults in conflict with the law before or after their release from detention, in order to facilitate their reintegration into society and the labour market. This project is funded by the National Greek Agency in the framework of the ERASMUS+ Programme KA2.
It is estimated that 450 professionals and volunteers will be trained and gain the necessary knowledge and tools to improve their efficacy in this field. The training sessions that participants will attend include the exploration of innovative psychoeducational tools, techniques for reintegration into society and the labour market, ethical issues, rights of people deprived of liberty, case management and supervision of professionals.
The direct beneficiaries of this project will be professionals and volunteers who work or wish to work with children and adults in conflict with the law before and after their release from detention. This includes professionals in detention centres, parole officers, educational staff, employment consultants, professionals from NGOs, and volunteers, among others.
The indirect beneficiaries will be people in conflict with the law or that have been involved with the justice system, as well as their families.
![]() The first transnational meeting for the RE[ENTER] project partners took place on 26th-28th November 2018 in Athens (Greece). During this transnational meeting partners discussed their roles and tasks assigned to the different workstreams and activities which would be carried out until the project’s completion, as well as how to ensure the highest level of quality and accuracy in the project’s results and outputs.
![]() Between 26th-28th March, the first training of trainers session of the RE[ENTER] project was carried out in Athens. The event incorporated different aspects of the work done with people in custody in penitentiary centres, or in their social and labour reintegration phase after release. In this way, participants established the theoretical and practical frameworks for the preparation and evaluation of materials which trainers will use to train professionals working in the field.
![]() On 22nd May the second transnational meeting of the RE[ENTER] project took place in Bucharest (Romania). During the meeting, partners discussed different aspects of the project, such as the creation of the project’s manual, produced by the University of Thessaly (Greece) with the support of the other project partners. This manual includes various examples of good practices and will be used as a basis for the training of professionals.
Other topics of discussion included online learning materials, prepared by Innovative Prison Systems (Portugal), the project´s dissemination plan, developed by Fundación Diagrama, and the organisation of the next trainer training session, which will take place in Tampere (Finland).
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