![]() Latest Updates from the RENYO Project
Since the last newsletter about this Fundación Diagrama project on enhancing educators’ capability to re-engage young offenders with education and learning, partners have advanced their work with a number of significant developments.
![]() RENYO partners held their Second Transnational Meeting in Palermo (Italy) in June 2019.
One partner, the University of Gloucestershire (UK), has prepared materials to train practitioners working with young offenders.
Additionally, on 25th and 26th June, the University’s RENYO team ran sessions for future trainers on how to use the Authentic Inquiry approach when working with children in conflict with the law.
The training materials have been extensively evaluated and, with input from other partners, the team at the University of Gloucestershire has revised and finalised them to make sure that they are ready to be rolled out to the trainers of each partner country. The next step is using these materials to train educators from each country in using Authentic Inquiry with young offenders. ![]() Learning Journey Platform
All RENYO partners have been working closely with the educational-support specialists Jearni Ltd (UK) to ensure that the online Learning Journey Platform, which will be used to improve the learning process, is adapted appropriately to the national context of each of the participating countries. Website, social media and RENYO brochure
RENYO now has a website www.renyoproject.eu and Facebook page http://www.facebook.com/renyo.project/
Please do visit our page and give us a ‘like’!
Another of the RENYO partners, CESIE (Italy), has produced a short brochure outlining the details of our project. This is currently available in English and Spanish on the Fundación Diagrama website.
Upcoming Events
RENYO partners from Fachhochschule Dresden FHD (Germany) have started planning the project’s first Multiplier Event, a public conference entitled “European Perspectives on Education of Youngsters in Prison”.
This will take place on 23rd January 2020 in Dresden, Germany. During the conference, esteemed researchers in the field of social work and education of offenders will present findings drawn from research carried out in several European countries.
In this context, RENYO partners will give a first public view of the RENYO approach of using Authentic Inquiry as a new way to re-engage young offenders in custody, as well as those experiencing difficult life-situations, with learning and education. Other methods of working with young offenders will also be discussed.
The conference will be in English with German translation also provided. Registration opens soon, but you can register your interest now by sending an email to k.koenig@fh-dresden.eu
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