![]() About the project
![]() The VOICE action is a cross-sectorial cooperation project in which Fundación Diagrama participates as partner. It addresses issues concerning young people deprived of their liberty and from disadvantaged backgrounds.
The action aims to support the implementation of the new EU Youth Strategy (2019-27) and proposes the development of a set of tools, a bottom-up approach and a peer-led methodology to foster the empowerment and engagement of young people in custody in EU policies
Thus, the project seeks to place their voices at the heart of policy-making on issues that concern them, in the same way as other young people. Similarly, it aims to give them tools to participate in community affairs and discover their ability to be agents of change.
The project will arrange Youth Dialogue meetings (with key stakeholders and policy makers) and youth mobilities gathering young people from Portugal, Lithuania, Spain, Romania, Netherlands, United Kingdom and Italy.
Kick-off meeting in Portugal
On the 20th and 21st of October, the in-person kick-off meeting took place, hosted by the Project Coordinator, Aproximar, in Lisbon, Portugal.
This was an exciting chance for the partners to meet face to face and plan the different work packages, and was the first of 4 transnational meetings that will take place throughout the project.
For more information
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