Since its inception, Fundación Diagrama has played an important role in the training of its own employees, as well as partners and collaborators working in the same fields, also encouraging collaboration with universities and other educational institutions. As a result, Fundación Diagrama has offered more than 5000 people the opportunity to take part in training activities, the majority of whom are employees.
Fundación Diagrama’s main objectives in this area are as follows:
- To promote, develop and provide training programmes directed towards professionals, students and researchers.
- To foster a global and interdisciplinary vision in its field, integrating theoretical and practical perspectives in order to generate new knowledge and information.
- To promote good practice through conferences, seminars and congresses.
- Promote the development and learning of new forms of intervention that allow progress in the care of the people with whom we work.
- To collaborate with academic institutions, organisations, and administrations on a national and international level, thereby creating teaching programmes together.
- To encourage the use of training as a tool for awareness-raising amongst the public, with a view to promoting solidarity and commitment.
Although the training programmes offered (whether face-to-face, semi-presential or remote) encompass a wide range of fields and disciplines, Fundación Diagrama focuses on certain areas (psychological, social, educational, judicial and health), offering a combination of theoretical and practical content which ensure adequate application of the knowledge acquired when put to use in the workplace.
Given the great importance of human capital in its activities, Fundación Diagrama pays special attention to training its work teams, providing initial courses as well as continuous specialisation in different areas. This training covers general content concerning themes related to the areas in which Fundación Diagrama intervenes, as well as more specific programmes that respond to the needs determined by each position. Internal training for employees of Fundación Diagrama is carried out through the Eduardo Benot European Institute of Legal, Social and Health Sciences, an online training platform through which professionals from the organisation can develop their skills and bring their knowledge up to date. This online campus, which offers more than 60 courses of various themes and levels, allows for higher numbers of students, total flexibility in terms of schedule, and an environment which facilitates communication and the easy exchange of information and knowledge.
With a view to facilitating the personal and professional development of the population, especially those working in the social, educational, judicial and health fields, Fundación Diagrama carries out training events for continuous learning and specialisation which allow users to acquire and perfect key skills in order to advance their career.
- Professional Training: Fundación Diagrama is authorised to carry out various courses leading to recognised Professional Certificates. For more information, head to our section on Socio-Occupational Integration.
- Specialised Training for the technical teams of Public Administrations: In terms of external training, Fundación Diagrama carries out several different activities directed towards technical teams from different Public Administrations related to the fields in which Fundación Diagrama operates. Some of the topics covered are as follows: juvenile delinquency, new types of criminal behaviour linked to new technology, school bullying and violence from children towards their parents.